Category: Band Backers President

Quick Message 4/4/24 Re: Banquet and Color Guard Voting

Quick Message 4/4/24 Re: Banquet and Color Guard Voting

Tomorrow, Friday, April 5th, is the last day that registration forms will be accepted for the BKMB Regular Season and Winter Programs Banquet. Click here: Today is the last full day that votes...

Band Backers Update March 30, 2024

Band Backers Update March 30, 2024

Band Update Please join us for the next Band Backers meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 3rd at 7:30 pm at SHS. The room will be determined at a later date. Voting for the...

Band Backers Update March 22, 2024

Band Backers Update March 22, 2024

Band Update Nominations for the 2024-25 Executive Board are currently being accepted for all positions. Here are the current nominations: Nominations for the Executive Board (any position) can be emailed to Dawn Dickau at...

3/8 – Band Update

3/8 – Band Update

Band Update Thank you for your attendance at this week’s Band Backers meeting. We appreciate you taking the time to come and offer your assistance and feedback. We discussed the nomination and voting process...