EBoard Seat Nominations

All seats are open for eBoard members.  All nominations need to be into Dawn Dickau @ correspondence@southingtonbkmb.com

We will keep this list as up-to-date as we continue to get new nominations for each role.



  • Jim

VP (Operations)

  • Heidi

Account’s Receivable

  • Katie

Account’s Payable

  • Dan

Correspondence Secretary

  • Abby DeBiase (New Nomination)




  • Jason Crouch (New Nomination)

Performance Chair

  • Kelly and Kevin Flood

Student Admin

  • Jon Cassan

Recording Secretary

  • Sabina Vance (New Nomination)

First Year Leason

  • Bridget Ceruti



 If there are more than two names under a seat, that chair will have a separate vote before the ultimate acceptance of all members into their appointed seats.